eSoil: A low- power bioelectronic growth scaffold that enhances crop seedling growth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 , 2, e2304135120, 2024, ://
Bimodal optical and optoacoustic multiview microscope in the frequency-domain
Quantum Key Distribution with Post-Processing Driven by Physical Unclonable Functions
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Optically generated droplet beams for improved optoacoustic imaging of choroid thickness in the ocular cavity: A biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Strong–laser–field physics, non–classical light states and quantum information science
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Digital technologies for heritage conservation labs open to the public. The case of the CALLOS project
Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (TMM_CH 2023), 1889, 104–113, 2023,
UV femtosecond single-pulse and collinear double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for depth-resolved characterization of nano-scaled films
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Excitons dance as light conducts
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Optical fiber sensor for the vapor phase detection of Trifluoroethanol
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Interspecies spin-noise correlations in hot atomic vapors
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