Science Projects
Agile Data Acquisition: Record Polarimetry & Quantum Optics measurements
Synthesis of waterborne polyurethane dispersions with encapsulation of micro/nano structures for ecological self-healing coatings.
Comparative study using classical chemical analytical techniques, combined with innovative spectroscopic methods based on photonics and machine learning for the authenticity and origin detection of Greek honey
Καινοτόμα υλικά για δίκτυα ιχθυοκαλλιέργειας με περιβαλλοντικά φιλική αντιρρυπαντική δράση
Intelligent Reliability 4.0
Food safety traceability using advanced non-invasive spectroscopic techniques
Development of rapid methods for checking the safety, quality and identity of dairy products in Crete
Protection and promotion of the quality of virgin olive oil, through the development and use of innovative methods for detection of contamination
SpArch - Spectrochemical Analysis of Archaeological Bio-Organic Residues
A Step Forward To Spinal Cord Injury Repair Using Innovative Stimulated Nanoengineered Scaffolds