Science Projects
Development of tissue-engineered vascularized bone grafts
Mask Based Lithography for Fast, Large Scale Pattern Generation with Nanometer Resolution
Integrated Qubits towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies
Innovative technologies for climate change mitigation by Mediterranean agricultural sector
Industrial ResiDues for Smart FirE- resistAnt PhotocataLytic Components
Polymer / graphene derivative nanocomposites: Effect of interfacial interactions on polymer structure and properties.
A system for monitoring sleep and healthy living with low energy radio technology
Ιnnovative polymer greenhouse films via application of functional coatings.
Development of an optical spectroscopy system prototype for fuel adulteration detection
Μεγάλης έκτασης νανοδομημένες λειτουργικές επιφάνειες κατασκευασμένες με συνδυασμό λιθογραφίας λέιζερ και με την συνεχή νανοεκτυπωτική λιθογραφική μέθοδο
