Nanosecond and Femtosecond LIBS Analysis of Bronze Alloys
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Microanalytical investigation of degradation issues in Byzantine wall paintings
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Fully non contact holography-based inspection on dimensionally responsive artwork materials
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Quantification of the activity of biomolecules in microarrays obtained by direct laser transfer
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Effects of relative phase and interactions on atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose–Einstein condensate: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics
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Light-induced reversible hydrophilicity of ZnO structures grown by aqueous chemical growth
G Kenanakis,E Stratakis,K Vlachou,D Vernardou,E Koudoumas,N Katsarakis
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Linear X-wave generation by means of cross-phase modulation in Kerr media
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Laser Induced Forward Transfer of metals by temporally shaped femtosecond laser pulses
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Millimeter-wave identification: A new short-range radio system for low-power high data-rate applications
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Part B: Imaging dielectric properties of Si nanowire oxide with conductive atomic force microscopy complemented with femtosecond laser illumination
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