Atom-number filter in an optical lattice
G. M. Nikolopoulos, D. Petrosyan
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Dressed excitations, thermodynamics and relaxation in the XXZ Heisenberg model
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Efficient electron spin injection in MnAs-based spin-light-emitting-diodes up to room temperature
E.D. Fraser, S. Hegde, L. Schweidenback, A.H. Russ, A. Petrou, H. Luo, G. Kioseoglou
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Multiphoton excitation fluorescence and Third Harmonic generation microscopy measurements combined with Confocal Raman Microscopy for the analysis of layered samples of varnished oil films
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From superhydrophobicity and water repellency to superhydrophilicity: smart polymer-functionalized surfaces
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Three-dimensional carbon nanowall field emission arrays
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Rapid initial dimensional changes in wooden panel paintings due to simulated climate-induced alterations monitored by digital coherent out-of-plane interferometry
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Electrical Spin Injection into Si: a comparison between Fe/Si Schottky and Fe/Al2O3 tunnel contacts
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Using Signal Processing and Semantic Web Technologies to Analyze Byzantine Iconography
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Direct phonon excitation in semiconductors by ultrashort intense THz radiation
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