
The policy of the Institute is to ensure the efficient and effective exploitation of research results. This policy fosters the exploitation of IP (patents) either in the context of spin-off companies or via licensing of patent rights, whatever appropriate, as well as the identification of niche markets, in which know-how developed in the Institute may lead to products of high added value.

Συσκευή παραγωγής σύμφωνης ακτινοβολίας συνεχούς φάσματος μεγάλου εύρους στην περιοχή του βαθέους υπεριώδους κενού
Inventors: Dr. Tzallas Paraskevas, G. Kolliopoulos
Applicant: FORTH
Patent No: 20120200160 (Utility Model Certificate (Π.Υ.Χ.)/protection title with a duration of 7 years)
Filling Date: 2012
Valid In: Greece (Industrial Property Organization)
Use of non-linear imaging techniques in the evaluation of pre-implantation embryo quality and the facilitation of a successful pregnancy
Inventors: Prof. Fotakis Costas, Dr. Ranella Anthi, Dr. Filippidis George, Dr. Tserevelakis George, E. Athanasaki, C. Kyvelidou
Applicant: FORTH
Patent No: 20110100030
Filling Date: 2011
Valid In: Greece (Industrial Property Organization)
Photocatalytic powder comprised of Titanium Dioxide and Manganese Dioxide active under UV and Visible Light
Inventors: Prof. Kiriakidis George, Prof. Binas Vassilios, V. Tudose
Applicant: FORTH
Patent No: PCT/EP2010/070872
Filling Date: 2010
Valid In: European Patent Office ΕΡ 10798358.7, China (CN 102686311 B)
Near Field Laser Doppler Velocimetry Near Walls
Inventors: Dr. Loppinet Benoit, Peter Lang (Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany)
Applicant: FORTH (75%) & Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH (25%)
Patent No: EP2259076 (replaced the German patent DE102009023679.1/2009 which was withdrawn)
Filling Date: 2010
Valid In: European Patent Office (Valid in AT, DE, FR, GB, CH)
Improvement of the amplification of a laser beam by double passage of the beam through an amplifier
Inventors: Dr. von Klitzing Wolf, Dr. Bolpasi Vasiliki
Applicant: FORTH
Patent No: 20100100687
Filling Date: 2010
Valid In: Greece (Industrial Property Organization)
Method and System for Cleaning Surfaces with the Use of Laser Pulses of two Different Wavelengths
Inventors: Dr. Pouli Paraskevi, Mr. Englezis Apostolos, Mr. Petrakis Aristides, V. Zafiropoulos
Applicant: FORTH
Patent No: 20020100116/1004453
Filling Date: 2003
Valid In: Greece (Hellenic Industrial Property Organization)
Ανάπτυξη με τη μέθοδο Επίταξης με Μοριακές Δέσμες με Πηγή Πλάσματος Αζώτου ετεροδομών ημιαγωγών Νιτριδίων που περιλαμβάνουν στρώματα κραμάτων Νιτριδίου του Ινδίου-Αργιλίου-Γαλλίου
Inventors: Prof. Georgakilas Alexandros, Prof. Pelekanos Nikos, Ε. Δημάκης
Applicant: FORTH
Patent No: 20020100376/1004675
Filling Date: 2002
Expiration Date: 2022
Valid In: Greece (Industrial Property Organization)
