A collaboration between IESL, Friedrich Schiller Univ. Jena, Univ. of Regensburg & Univ. of Chemistry and Technology!
In an article published in Science Advances, Prof. Pavlos Savvidis (Westlake University & IESL's Visiting Researcher), Dr David Petrosyan (Research Director) and their younger colleagues and collaborators report on the experimental realization and characterization of a novel platform for analog quantum computation with semiconductor exciton-polaritons. 
The Hellenic Institute of Advanced Studies ( is proud to organize the 1st Photonics Hellenic sympOSium (PHOS), aiming to bring together distinguished Photonics leaders from the Hellenic diaspora and Greece. PHOS will take place on October, 7-8 at the Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas, Heraklion Crete Greece. For more information visit PHOS Webpage To register for the online participation to the PHOS symposium, please fill in the on-line form via the link:
