Event Dates
From: 13/01/2021 12:00
To: 13/01/2021 14:00
External Speaker
Prof. Elefterios Lidorikis (Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece)
Zoom online platform: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84216194581?pwd=Wk5Nc3dISjFab3JMZXhNUnF1VnZwUT09

Graphene’s optical response is characterized by constant absorption in the visible, electrically tunable absorption in the NIR-SWIR and plasmonic excitations in the midIR-LWIR spectrum. These traits make for interesting applications in photodetection, light modulation and sensing. To make the response more efficient and competitive, however, the small overall absorption in graphene must be overcome by integrating graphene with resonant photonic or plasmonic cavities. Strong light absorption within the resonators creates hot electrons and temperature gradients. In a comprehensive modeling and design scheme of graphene-based optoelectronic applications, the optical, thermal, and electrical responses must be considered within a self-consistent approach: absorption creates hot carriers, whose temperature distribution is determined by the thermal properties of graphene and the appropriate relaxation pathways and corresponding rates. But the thermal properties and the absorption in graphene are themselves functions of the temperature. After a short introduction in graphene physics and computational methods, we will go over our recent studies on several graphene-based optoelectronic devices.