Event Dates
From: 08/06/2022 12:00
To: 08/06/2022 14:00
External Speaker
Prof. Luigi Amico (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE)
FORTH Seminar Room Payatakes and Online via Zoom:

Atomtronics is an emerging field that aims to manipulate ultracold atom moving in matter wave circuits for both fundamental studies in quantum science and technological applications. In this colloquium, I  will provide an introduction to  matter-wave circuitry and atomtronics-based quantum technology. After a short introduction to the basic physical principles and the logic of the key experimental techniques needed to realize atomtronic systems, I  describe the physics of matter-waves in simple circuits such as ring traps and two-terminal systems. The main experimental observations and outstanding questions are sketched. I  also present possible applications to a broad range of quantum technologies, from quantum sensing with atom interferometry to future quantum simulation and quantum computation architectures.Atomtronics is an emerging field that aims to manipulate ultracold atom moving in matter wave circuits for both fundamental studies in quantum science and technological applications. In this colloquium, I  will provide an introduction to  matter-wave circuitry and atomtronics-based quantum technology. After a short introduction to the basic physical principles and the logic of the key experimental techniques needed to realize atomtronic systems, I  describe the physics of matter-waves in simple circuits such as ring traps and two-terminal systems. The main experimental observations and outstanding questions are sketched. I  also present possible applications to a broad range of quantum technologies, from quantum sensing with atom interferometry to future quantum simulation and quantum computation architectures.