Event Dates
From: 22/03/2019 15:00
To: 22/03/2019 16:00
External Speaker
Vassilios Kovanis (Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington Virginia, USA)
FORTH Seminar Room 1

In this talk we will cover the properties of the small-signal modulation response of symmetry- breaking phase-locked states of twin coupled semiconductor lasers [1]. The extended stability and the varying asymmetry of these modes allows for the introduction of a rich set of interesting modulation response features, such as sharp resonances and antiresonances [2] as well as ecient modulation at very high frequencies exceeding the free running relaxation frequencies by orders of magnitude. And show the abundance of exceptional points in the generic asymmetric con guration of two coupled [3,4] diode lasers, under nonzero optical detuning and di erential pumping. We pinpoint the location of these points with respect to the stability domains and the Hopf bifurcation points of phase-locked modes, in the solution space as well as in the space of experimentally controlled parameters [5]. Time permitting we will discuss also some new experimental and theoretical ndings on Quantum Dot Lasers as enablers of tunable photonic oscillators and clocks [6].


  1. A. Hohl, A. Gavrielides, T. Erneux, & Vassilios Kovanis, Localized Synchronization in Two Coupled Nonidentical Semiconductor Lasers, Physical Review Letters, 78, 4745-4748 (1997).
  2. Yannis Kominis, Kent D Choquette, Anastasios Bountis & Vassilios Kovanis, Antiresonances and Ultrafast Resonances in a Twin Photonic Oscillator, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11 1-9 (2019).
  3. Yannis Kominis, Anastasios Bountis & Vassilios Kovanis, Spectral Signatures of Exceptional Points and Bifurcations in the Fundamental Active Photonic Dimer, Physical Review A, 96, 053837 (2017).
  4. Yannis Kominis, Anastasios Bountis & Vassilios Kovanis, Controllable Asymmetric Phase-Locked States of the Fundamental Active Photonic Dimer, Physical Review A, 96, 043836(2017).
  5. Yannis Kominis, Kent D Choquette, Anastasios Bountis & Vassilios Kovanis, Exceptional points in two dissimilar coupled diode lasers, Applied Physics Letters, 113 081103 (2018).
  6. Luke Lester & Vassilios Kovanis, Quantum Dot Tunable Photonic Oscillators, IEEE Topicals 2019, Invited Talk.