Position Description
Laser process for scaffold fabrication, drug encapsulation and release for tissue engineering.
Candidates in the field of Pharmacy and Life sciences are encouraged to apply. We are looking for an enthusiastic Ph.D. candidate to immobilize drugs on polymeric laser-based fabricated scaffolds and to study the interactions of the drugs with cells and scaffolds. Various fabrication techniques for the production of scaffolds will be applied.
For the full announcement, follow the link "Related Documents"
Required Qualifications
- BSc degree in Pharmacy
- MSc degree in Life Sciences, Biotechnology or related field
- Laboratory experience in a similar field (Soft lithography, polymers, statins, in vitro cell culture)
- Excellent knowledge of English
Application Procedure
Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements are kindly asked to submit their applications to the address (hr@iesl.forth.gr), with cc to Dr Anthoula Ranella (ranthi@iesl.forth.gr).
In order to be considered, the application must include:
- Application Form (Form Greek or Form English to the left)
- Brief CV
- Scanned copies of academic titles
- Certificate for enrollment in a PhD program from a Greek university